
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 3 - Cox's Gap to Warrumbungles

A pleasant ride in the country.

A very cold night! Lots of frost and dew in the morning making packing the tents more difficult. Morning mist hanging about as we make our way out towards the Upper Hunter Valley.

Decision time - do we head across the Hunter towards Dungog and on to Thuderbol's way and up the dividing range towards the New England Tablelands and Armidale? Or do we head inland towards the Warrumbungles and the inland road north?

The weather forecast for Wednesday/Thursday is predicting another front with showers. Knowing what the New England Tablelands are like when it's cold and wet I opt for the inland route. If  it gets wet, it will at least be slightly warmer than up on the dividing range. Time will tell.

A very pleasant days riding to Coonabrabran via Coolah. Dry, sunny and not to cold.
Camping tonight in the Warrumbungles - lets see what tomorrow brings?

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